Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Paula

Kids are not stupid.  Especially not my kids.  And I'm not just saying that because I'm their Mom.  You know, the woman who is IRREPLACABLE in their lives.
I have so many questions for you, none of which I want an answer to be cause really, you disgust me to NO END.  But I do wonder what you tell yourself as you are sculking in to a married man's life.  A man with kids.  And then I wonder just how long you think you can pretend to care about those kids now when you obviously didn't when you had a major part in breaking up THEIR family.  I'm sure that you can put on a pretty good act, diguising your inner ugliness with puppies and board games, but a girl like you?  It's not going to last long before they see right through you.
And just in case you misunderstand me, I really don't care that you are with him.  In fact I'm glad.  Makes him "happier" along with the rest of the world because scum should always be with scum.  Saves the nice decent human beings from both your toxicity.  Really, you guys are made for each other.  Plus it will be fun to watch and see who cheats on who first, along with how many times you are together/not together.  And just as a side note, did you REALLY think that you were the first person he cheated with?  Or the second?  Or the third??  Yeah - have fun with that...
I guess in the end I should thank you though.  Thank you for tempting my spineless husband.  I have NEVER been happier.


Erica said...

Well if you can't cry it out at least you're venting in some fashion. ;)

Debbi said...

I love those letters. Sometimes, in spite of my wonderful life, I still write on in my head. :)

Because, unless you've BEEN where you and I have been, these letters are not FULLY understood in word OR emotion!

Write another one. Next week. Just to keep it fresh. You'll probably think of something even better to say by then anyways! lol