Monday, July 12, 2010

Ok, I Think I Got It This Time

Gosh, you know? This whole "letting go and moving on" business can be pretty up and down, just so you know.  BUT, I think I figured it out. 
So first I was trying to preserve the future relationship because I thought that would be a good idea considering I still have to see the man on a fairly regular basis for the next dozen or so years.  But that just ended up hurting like heck because it still felt like he was screwing me over, financially most of all.  Plus, I'm not gonna lie, having the man you love choose someone else kinda blows, especially when it's obvious that I'm, like, a total prize!! And considering what he chose instead???.... Ew!!  Haha, what could he POSSIBLY be thinking right?? 
So THEN I decided it's probably just easier to hate the man.  And it is, don't get me wrong!!  But that's not who I am.
So NOW I've had my aha moment and realize holy crap I still love him!!! 
Yeah, I love the man he was to my face, 30% of the time.  Not the other 70% he was to my face, or the 100% he was behind my back. 
That's the man I miss.
And I miss him a lot.
Even though I know.... that man no longer exists.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

sucks, doesn't it. I told Chris I loved him just yesterday. But, the love changed. THANKFULLY.

Yours will too. But you'll ALWAYS love him. Sorry for the crappy news.

:) It is WAY easier to be angry. And why is it that financially they always seem to get the better end of the deal!?~! *#&^$*%