Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Best Kind of Success is Found in the Dressing Room

Okay, I promise, last post about boobs (at least for now).
Bra shopping. Who loves it? Who hates it?
For me, I know that I have to be in the right mood. Kinda like shopping for jeans, you gotta be in the mood because you know you're going to be trying on a shwack of different styles /sizes /colors, trying to push all your fleshy bits into some fabulous piece of clothing, and praying that it is more flattering than unfortunate. That your 'assets' are lifted and perky, reminding you of days long gone. I don't know about you but when I strike gold I stock up, because it is always my luck that as soon as I find a style that I like they discontinue it.
And then the first few times wearing those new jeans or bra, I feel.... what's a good word for it... Good. Mighty. Hot. Powerful. Feminine. Haha - but then again, it doesn't take much. I've always been pretty easy to please.


Debbi said...

I'm TOTALLY that girl! Bra shopping, I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Even before my girls, when I had 'adolescent' girls. LOL A new bra does wonders for lifting (ha ha) a woman's spirit. :)

Jeans shopping, is less so for me. But shoes and bras.. YES PLEASE!

Stephanie said...

Boob blogs make me smile.